Well I really enjoyed creating the MIX 2011 PlayOn plugin that I decided to do the same for TECH.ED 2011. I am going to do a bit more research and see if in the next release I can provide a folder for each year as they have published all of the archives for TECH.ED and MIX back to 2008.
When you access the TECH.ED 2011 channel you will see it grouped by All Sessions - Provides a entire list of all sessions, By Category - groups each of the sessions based on the category it falls under, By Speaker - groups each of the videos by the speaker
TECHED2011.plugin (33.50 kb)
To install download the file and then open your playon software and go to the Plugins tab. At the bottom of that screen click Install and browse out to the file.
**** UPDATE ****
Just updated the download with a new version that supports checking for updates and cached the RSS feed so that subsequent access to the sessions is very quick.